In a very short amount of time (I would imagine) the glow will come off the joy of having a baby brother but for these days I can't even tell you how much it pleases me that Abby has taken to having her naps in our bedroom so that she can sleep beside her brother. And, as always, it comes down to song lyrics for me. Cue Elton John's Greatest Discovery.
In those silent happy seconds
That surround the sound of this event
A parent smile is made in moments
They have made for you a friend
And all you ever learned from them
Until you grew much older
Did not compare with when they said
This is your brand new brother
This is your brand new brother
This is your brand new brother
Also, to those of you who have taken the time to send us a postcard, thank you. The pile is steadily growing and it's a thrill every time I see one of them in the mailbox. To the rest of you, please send one on our way. We'd so love to be able to show Jack one day how many people from around the world were praying.
Cynthia Plett or J-L Laurendeau
221-294 Beliveau Road
Winnipeg MB
R2M 1T4
Oh, I love it that you have the glow!
How can those 2 not charm anyone that sees that are so lucky to have such beauties!!! I'm so glad that everything went well with Jack and glad that you are smiling! God is sooo sooo good!!!!
I have a girl and a boy 3 years apart. She is the eldest. Now that they are 12 and 9 they are learning to be friends again. It isn't all bad. I think a girl and a boy get along better than my sister and I did.
They are beautiful children! I am so happy that things are going so well.
That adjustment to a second child was surprisingly difficult for me. But also, it didn't take very long. Hang in there!
He looks so much like my baby boy.
The hard part about having a second when your oldest is so young is the sleep deficit. Hang in there and keep that smile on your face. It really only gets better.
I love the post-partum period, too, even thought the physical recovery can take it's toll. Get some rest and enjoy.
Just dropped in for a visit because I haven't checked on your sweet family in a bit. I was so blessed reading up on your little fella. So happy and filled with awe of our Lord for what He's done. Praise Him! Love that baby a bunch... like anyone needs to tell you that! :-)
I feel so badly, I had been following your story of baby Jack and then before I knew it, it was time for me to give birth to our own child and well time as you know is precious when there is a new baby in the house.
Today, I saw your link in my sidebar and what a joy, to click the link to find only the best news that any could of prayed for.
Thanks be to God for your precious son Jack.
Thinking about you and praying that all things are okay. You must be very busy with the things life brings, and hope that you can give us an update on how things are going.
God Bless You and Your Family!
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