Friday, July 18, 2008

Nearly 2 months!

It's hard to believe, how our lives have changed. How monumental that tumour was for 20 weeks and how minuscule it's been for the past 8 (literally and figuratively). Amazing. I nearly forget that there were times we weren't sure whether we'd get to hold our son. Nearly... probably never completely forget.

I don't have much time at the moment as we're heading out camping shortly. The 4 of us. 4! A few months ago we had no idea how our life would turn out and wondered if we'd be able to do regular summer activities or if we'd be spending most of it in NICU. And now we're going camping. We are blessed.

Thank you again for all your prayers and love and support. It looks as though Jack will have his growth removed close to his first birthday. The surgeon thinks that's the optimal time. I'll try to update the blog sporadically between now and then but if I fail PLEASE be sure to (a) check back in April of next year and (b) email me if you're wondering about That Boy You Prayed For.


Anonymous said...

Camping! Wow, you're brave. :)

Anonymous said...

He's so sweet!

-Me- said...

YAY GOD!!! Jack is precious, that picture is so sweet :) Have fun camping!!!