Thursday, March 13, 2008

Week 29 - Status Quo

We had 2 appointments today. Cynthia had her blood pressure checked (excellent, by the way) and her blood sugar checked (4.3, again excellent), then it was off to the ultrasound. Nothing new to report; Jack is growing, The Himp is growing, but both at the same pace (TH is half the size of Jack's head), so that is a good thing. Our boy is very active, and we got some great 3D pictures of him (see the upper right corner of this blog). His little heart is beating well, and there is no excess fluid around it, so that is another good sign. All in all, a very good appointment.

Next week will be week 30. It's been 10 weeks since TH was first detected, and it will be, God willing, another 10 weeks before our son is born. This is our normal now; weekly ultrasounds, endless questions, and a bunch of stress thrown in for good measure. By now, the doctors are quite confident that Jack will live, which is the best news EVER. But there is always the chance that from one week to the next something could go wrong. I hate that possibility, but I know it exists. And some days it takes all the energy I have to not lie in bed all day and just disappear. All I know is that this needs to be over soon. For Cynthia, for Abby, for me, but mostly for our little boy. It's time for TH to be gone from our lives.

Please continue to pray; you have no idea how much those prayers help us through this crazy time that is now Our Normal.



Anonymous said...

on my knees, buddy.


Kathryn Mackel said...

Your crazy is my inspiration. Prayers and hugs.

Anonymous said...

I'm still praying too.


Anonymous said...

On days when we forget to pray, Maddie is always sure to remind us. :-)

Joyska said...

Praying hard for you all. I think of you often and have the staff at Siloam praying and Sanctuary. We will continue until he is healed and/or TH is gone from your lives! Miss you guys. We should connect soon!

darien said...

Don't disappear J-L
They all need you.

Anonymous said...

I love that new picture of Jack. He looks like Uncle Marcel.

Love and prayers for all of you.


Anonymous said...

What an awesome 3-D shot. So much better than ours. You can really see what he's going to look like.

You guys are often in my thoughts and prayers

- raehan

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.