Monday, January 14, 2008

Quick update

Geneticist appointment at 10:30 am today.
MRI appointment at 1:30 pm today.

And it just feels surreal to have words like "geneticist" and "MRI" and "surgeon" written on my calendar like they're the next concert or a lunch date with someone.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

One good thing about our health care system is that when something is urgent, you're usually taken care of in a hurry. I hope that the tests will give you some concrete answers.

Ranee @ Arabian Knits said...

From the day we found out about Elijah, there was only one week in the last 17 that we didn't have an appointment with at least one medical person. Usually more than one. Between our midwife, our perinatologist, the pediatric surgeon, geneticist, etc, we were always in someone's office. It is surreal, and I don't think we really had a chance to deal with it or think about it clearly until after Elijah was born.