Wednesday, May 21, 2008

In thinking about tomorrow

Today might prove to be the very fastest day ever at the same time as being the very slowest.


Anonymous said...

no kidding!!!!


Unknown said...

What time will the C-section be? I want to take time and pray, especially during that time.

I pray that it will be a wonderful time for you, J.L. and Abby.

Welcome Baby Jack

Anna Magyar

Unknown said...

What time will the C-section be? I want to take time and pray, especially during that time.

I pray that it will be a wonderful time for you, J.L. and Abby.

Welcome Baby Jack

Anna Magyar

Anonymous said...

Is it tomorrow? Already? Gracious! I'll be praying for you all day. I can't wait to see pictures of baby Jack!

(And I need to get that box in the mail to you!)

-Me- said...

Your family has been on my heart today...I will be saying a prayer for you tomorrow, and look forward to hearing all about little Jack's arrival into this world, and better yet, seeing some pictures of this precious little one!!!

Cakes said...

I'll be thinking of you all day...

Joyska said...

praying praying and more praying! Can't wait to meet him!

Anonymous said...

Praying here as well.


Stephanie said...

I'd hold my breath in anticipation if I could hold it that long.

Instead, I'll be using all my breaths to pray and pray and pray. Be strong and courageous, for the Lord your God is with you.

And Heather will post news? I hope!

Anonymous said...

Sorry I am not more savvy when it comes to this blogging thing.

Anna, the surgery is scheduled for 11:30 unless an emergency c-section pushes us back.

Stephanie, I wasn't sure how that was going to work (with me being at the hospital and all), but I'll ask Heather to post something, his stats at the very least. Pictures will follow.

Thanks for your prayers.


Anonymous said...

Thinking of you!!! Lots of Love from Germany!

Kay Day said...

you are in my prayers!