Friday, May 23, 2008

A quick update

Just came home to water the flowers, grab a bite to eat, and drop a quick note. I'll keep it short:

Jack is great, Abby is great, Cynthia is great, the future for Jack...great.

I will post more (much much more, and photos too), but not for a couple of days as I help out at the hospital.

Thanks all of you. At the risk of sounding cheesy, we love you all.

Thank God.



Kathryn Mackel said...

Waiting breathlessly for pictures (already have the blessing!)

Anonymous said...

Welcome here, Jack, welcome here!

I, too, can hardly wait for the details and pictures and all the stuff you want to share. And then, too, this might be one of those really sacred moments in Cynthia-J-L-Abby-Jack-history that just needs to be savoured by the people closest to home.

I am so happy for you. Yes, a postcard is definitely on the way.

Joyska said...

Praise GOD! I'm so excited. I continue to pray and can't wait to see you and Jack! at the risk of sounding just as cheesy... I love you guys too! :)

Cakes said...

so so thankful! Can't wait to hear the story and see the pictures!