Tuesday, May 13, 2008

We are down to single digits!


Random thought that occurred to me last night as I tossed and turned: You know that ad on tv where they show how the bed partner won't feel the other person's movements? And they prove it with the glass of wine and the person jumping? I'd like to see it redone with a 9-month pregnant woman trying to turn over in bed. I bet you they'd be cleaning up wine faster than you can say "bowling ball mattress".


Lori said...

lol! I'm due May 30th and I know exactly what you mean. From side to side it's about a 5 step process.

Cakes said...

In order to get to lay on my other side when I was pregnant with my twins, I had to actually get out of bed and walk around to the other side and then lay down. Let's just say Chowder had to sleep on the couch the last few weeks! LOL!

Anonymous said...

I remember the rolling over challenges from being pregnant. Lori's right. It's about a 5 step process.

Hang in there! You're almost there!


Anonymous said...

YAY single digits! Come on out , buddy, we need to meet you.

auntie sue