Monday, February 4, 2008

And yet more doctors' appointments.

This past Thursday we found out that I will still need to visit my regular GP and eventually my ob-gyn the same as any other pregnancy. As much as they're looking at Jack every single Thursday they are not keeping that close an eye on me. And so it goes. I'm sure there are some of you that wonder why exactly it is I'm whining about doctors' appointments. I should just be glad that we have such an amazing healthcare system and be thrilled that they are keeping such a close eye on this unusual situation. I am. Very, very glad. But the thing that puts the lump in my throat and the tear in my eye with these constant appointments is exactly that word: "constant". Over and over and over again we have to be reminded how nothing is normal and there is a chance nothing will ever be as it was before. And over and over and over again we get asked the same questions and we ask the same questions and we really know nothing more than ever and neither do they.

I remember that when my dad died, it seemed that day took on everlasting meaning. Things either happened before or after August 8, 2003. We have a new date like that. Everything happened before or after January 10, 2008.

And so off we trot to meet with my gp this afternoon. And if she DOESN'T find out that my blood pressure is kind of high and if the number on the scale DOESN'T shock her while then *I* will be amazed.


mmichele said...

those 3D ultra sounds are amazing. hope your bp stays healthy.

Linda said...

I wouldn't worry about the weight thing either. You're looking great.